1·Independency is the fundamental premise of objectivity and fairness, is the requirement of internal audit.
2·The fundamental premise is that query results should be identical regardless of where any portion of the query is evaluated.
3·The fundamental premise behind EAI is that the integration is performed on the back end, using either a hub and spoke or bus architecture.
EAI蕴含的基本假定是,集成在后端进行,使用不是星形结构(hub and spoke),就是总线架构。
4·Professor: so are you question, what's your name? — Victoria. — Victoria, are you questioning the fundamental premise of self possession?
教授:你叫什么名字? - - -维多利亚。- - -维多利亚,你是在质疑自我支配的基本前提?
5·And to achieve this goal is to establish a set of fundamental premise of scientific design, operation and efficient system of remuneration incentives.
6·The fundamental premise that people will make more meaningful decisions about prioritization if prioritization is a finite resource is a very interesting one.
7·It points out that the advanced production craft and strict screen material is the fundamental premise for ensuring the quality of insulating material for live working.
8·The fundamental premise of OLS is that full educational opportunity requires a user to have the social access to other people who can answer questions and provide support.
9·"A fundamental premise of the 'train-wreck' approach to management is that the primary cause of problems is' dereliction of duty '" said Peter Scholtes in the Leader's Handbook.
“从‘火车失事’而引出管理的概念,这个过程有一个最基本的前提,那就是事故发生的首要原因是‘玩忽职守’。” Peter Scholtes在他的“领导者手册”一书中如是说。
10·The "trend toward a steady state" is the most fundamental premise and condition constructing creatures and nature. "Self-regulation" is a basic guarantee to maintain such a steady state.